


The goal of the Elementary PSR Program at St. Peter Roman Catholic Church is to meet the children where they are, in an atmosphere of love and acceptance, journey with them through the Scriptures, the sacraments, and the stories of the early Church to a fuller understanding of God and a deeper faith relationship with Him. This is done with a strong emphasis on prayer and discipleship. The text, Alive In Christ, meets all the diocesan graded course of study requirements. Children learn - about God through Scripture, Church Tradition, Church Doctrine, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the lives of the Saints, prayer, journaling, colorful visuals, and in-class and at-home activities. Elementary classes are offered on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:15 until 7:30 PM.


First Communion

First Communion is celebrated at St. Peter Roman Catholic Church in the second grade. 

Students wishing to celebrate this sacrament must attend either: Catholic school or PSR (Parish School of Religion) in both first and second grades. Exceptions will be handled through the Director of Religious Education.

All candidates for First Holy Communion must demonstrate a knowledge that it is the Real Presence of Christ they are receiving in Communion, and be active participants in parish life, e.g., Mass.