From the Pastor's Desk - December 31st, 2023

This weekend, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family, an occasion to ponder the familial love of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It is important to note that, according to our Catholic faith, the Savior is found in the midst of a family. Moreover, Jesus desires to be the head of our families and to be at the center of the relationships we have with our loved ones. We can count on Jesus’ grace when we experience heartache or conflict with family members. He comes to us when our families are hurting or divided, offering us his peace, mercy, and strength. On this Feast of the Holy Family, let us pray for all families, asking that Jesus help us to imitate the love on display in his childhood home in Nazareth.

As I have mentioned several times before, I am grateful for the parish family at Saint Peter and Saint Joan of Arc. The passion for these churches is evident to me every day. Let me give you one quick example. A parishioner from Saint Joan of Arc recently noticed that some of the readers at Mass were having difficulty navigating the stairs as they entered and exited the sanctuary. He approached me with his concern and asked, “What can I do to help, Father?” I invited this parishioner to work with our maintenance team in overseeing the installation of a new handrail. Within a couple of weeks, it was done. I am thrilled with this sort of engagement and generosity from the members of our community. We have individuals and families who want to give of themselves – their time, treasure, and talent – in order to make Saint Peter and Saint Joan of Arc better for everyone.

Let me end by announcing the Town Hall meetings that will take place in our churches next month. We will gather for discussion in English on two separate occasions: Saturday, January 27, at 10:30 a.m. at Saint Peter and Tuesday, January 30, at 7:00 p.m. at Saint Joan of Arc. We will also gather for discussion in Spanish on Sunday, January 28 after the 1:00 p.m. Mass at Saint Peter. All of these Town Hall meetings will be the same, so there is a need to attend only one. When we gather, I will give further details on how Saint Peter and Saint Joan of Arc are being united. It will also be an opportunity for parishioners to share their perspectives on the blessings and challenges of these two parishes coming together.

Have a very Blessed and Happy New Year!
Fr. David Schalk

January 4, 2024 - 2:12pm

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